Examples of How I Can Help You

Here are some examples of issues students bring to me at the Office of the Ombudsman. These are common issues but in no way a definitive list. The reality is that students come with all sorts of issues and concerns, so ANY issue is a good one to come talk about. 

Academic Related:

  • Academic Dishonesty
    • I’ve been accused of an academic integrity violation, and I don’t believe it is fair.  What should I do about that?
    • I have a meeting scheduled regarding an academic integrity violation.  What should I expect, and how can I prepare?
  • Progress to Degree
    • I believe my advisor is not allowing me to progress in my degree program; what are my options for addressing this?
    • My department is making it difficult for me to fulfill my requirements.  Who can I talk to about that?
  • Probation/Suspension/Dismissal
    • I believe that I am essentially being forced out of my program.  What can I do about that?
    • I am currently on suspension, and I have concerns about how it was handled.  What are my next steps?
  • Concerns about my instructor/advisor
    • I believe my advisor is singling me out and treating me unfairly.  What are my options for addressing this?
    • The way my class is being run seems very unfair. Is there someone I can talk to about that?
    • I have concerns about a faculty members’ behavior, but I’m not sure if or how I should raise them.  I’d like to speak with someone confidentially to see what my options are.
  • Grade Grievance
    • I’d like to petition to have my grade changed.  What’s the process for doing that, and what should I expect?


Non-Academic Related:

  • Financial Aid/Student Debt
    • I’m not getting access to financial aid that I feel I deserve.  Who can help me resolve this issue?
    • The University says I owe them money, but I believe that is not true and unfair.  How do I address this situation?
  • Housing
    • I have concerns about my residence hall situation and no one seems to be listening.
    • I would like to change my living situation but haven’t had any luck in doing so.  What can I do?
  • Harassment
    • I had a situation recently where I felt discriminated against.  What are my options for addressing these concerns?
  • Residency
    • I believe I was unfairly denied in-state residency.  What is the process of sharing my concerns?
  • Student Employment
    • I was unfairly terminated from my campus job.  What are my rights, and potential next steps?
    • I believe my department is unfairly assigning department jobs.  What can I do about this?


Regardless of your concerns, if you are having a problem or dispute with the University and would like to discuss it with a confidential, neutral, informal and independent person on campus, I encourage you to contact the Office of the Ombudsman.